Monday, November 8, 2010
Early 1980 - Mid 1980
In the Early 80's I was getting more popular,
me and Reck , kept on bombing the insides.night after night after night we sis a few throw ups as well, but the buff was in effect and probably didn't last very long, Just like everyone's work done and later buffed,
Which sucked ,During school time I was meeting other writers at Evander Childs H.S. I met Destiny from The D's, he was shocked that I was a White boy, he told me he seen my name all over the 2's 5's and 4's and even the D's, Yes me and Reck Motion tagged the D line for a couple of nights was not much room to tag back then, it was bombed, Back to Destiny, He said Hey man wear did u get that alvacodo colored ink? I told him I made it in test tubes, he did not believe me, I said if you don't believe
me. I'll sell you some he said ok bet.
So That day I went Home and mixed the inks.NO i'm not gonna tell u the color combo,all i can say it was with marsh ink, flo-master and some other special ingredient, so the next day I sold Destiny the ink, he said lets cut 4th period and tag the bathrooms and stair cases, So we did. was kinda fun since ,Most of it was nice and clean.
One day I was on my way home from school on the #2 train and I smelled something weird then I looked on the walls of the cars a lot of tags were buffed with some special agent I walked threw the cars and seen mine and Recks tags they were slightly buffed, and then I looked at my alvacado ink colored ink and it was very hard for them to buff that shit, and that was cool with me,I loved that color and no one had it besides me a Destiny. he didn't have that much HAHA I had the big batch.
I kinda hated going to school made my ass depressed. there were a lot of dumb ass kids in that school for a example : if the math teacher would say 2+2= 4 some asswipe would raise there hand and ask why? that 2+2 was JUST A EXAMPLE!
I used to drink some beer and smoke a joint before school started and I used to cut out after Lunch at 3rd period and go hang out at Columbus H.S.
I used to hang out with some other people who were not to much into graffiti, but that was ok we all had a few things in common Sex, Drugs,And Rock N' Roll, I guess Reck was always in school back then
I don't blame him he went to a great school.If I didn't go to Columbus H.S. I would go to the trestle at 236th street under the metro north tracks on the Bronx river and party with Toe and a few others.
These cats were crazy they used to steal parking metrers and bust them open and go buy cheap wine and weed. and get fucked up every day.
In the Mid 1980's me and Reck stared to bomb again the trains were real clean again or should I say Semi Clean?we met a few other writers not well known, a few were my friends from Evander.
So one Saturday Morning we went back to Esplanade tunnels and there were a bunch of us . to many for my comfort I told these kids this is not a fucking play grund don't break any windows or anything else and they listen. so we bombed a few cars until they got paranoid and thought they seen a cop on the the Pelham Parkway station, so we booked the fuck out of there.
One spring day we me and a few guys were walking threw the trains and one of them bumped hard into
the conductor and pick pocketed his keys for the subway cars! so we got off the stop and ran off
I told this kid give them to me you dont fuckin even write so he said ok man here have them.
So I took em from him.So I had a set of keys for the subway LMAO!
This was a good thing to have.
More In My NEXT Entry!
Piece out Until Then.
Coke One
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