Thursday, October 14, 2010

In The Begining Of Coke One 1973

Hello Fellow Graffiti Writers And Art Lovers ,Here is the story How I started out!
Way back in 1973 I was about nine years old, and growing up in little Italy in the Bronx. I was young kid who played every street game the Bronx had to offer and I always hung out with the older guys because
I wanted to be cool like them. then one day I started to see graffirt in the neighbor hood I lived in ,not far from Tuff City Tattoos,I asked the older kids what are you guys doing , they said we are doing graffiti
I was like nice , can I get with you guys? the older guys were like you have two choices of family's to be with. I was like Family's I have a family,I got smacked in the back of the head ,and they told me not that kinda family, like a graffiti family .. you have thefamily , Like Us (meaning the four I was with at the time ) and the other one called
The Mob .. so I said since you live in my building I'll be in the family.They said ok good , now what's gonna be your name?
I had no Idea what to write, I told them a few silly names , bam once again I got smacked in the back of the head, they said since you drink so much cokeacola call your self Coke.. i said Yeah that's it
so they said to me we are having a fun war with the the other guys ,
so every time you write your name Coke, put on the bottom The FamilyI said ok cool I'll do that! I asked what to use as in Markers
they said use one of these Marvy markers , so they gave me one and I started to write with them no real style back then just regular letters and what not, Untill one day i had to go on the third ave. El train with my mom, and i was amazed to see this stuff on the trains
so I kinda took there styles .and my friends liked it, so they started it also, then we got into colors, heh the old ginzoes from the neigbor hood did not like seeing this stuff and yelled at some of us, I didn't get yelled at because I was playing Wiffle  ball with all the kids my was not that bad getting yelled at back then the graffiti was not that big back then but we were making a mess and the older people started getting mad at us yelling at us in Italian .lol like like i knew what they were saying, Like any kid I only understood the bad
words. As time went on the building hallways were getting kinda bad ..I took it to the next level and started to do out lines in the stair cases and the shit hit the fan.
             More to Come In My Next Entry

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